Source: lib/Stream.js

// Copyright 2013 The Obvious Corporation.

var util = require('util')
var Writable = require('stream').Writable
var S3Queue = require('./Queue')

 * Writable stream interface for S3. Inherits stream.Writable
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} params Same params object as AWS.S3.createMultipartUpload
 * @param {String} params.Bucket The S3 bucket your file will go in.
 * @param {String} params.Key The full path to the object on S3, within its bucket.
 * @param {Object} s3 Authenticated instance of AWS.S3
function S3Stream(params, s3) {
  // Initialize the parent stream class

  // Cache inputs
  this.params = params
  this.s3 = s3

  // Set the stream's initial state, create a queue, and bind event listeners
util.inherits(S3Stream, Writable)
module.exports = S3Stream

 * Initialize the instance with default values and listeners
S3Stream.prototype.init = function () {
  // Setup the stream's initial state and limits
  this.uploadPartNumber = 0
  this.uploadedParts = []
  this.activeUploads = 0
  this.stringifyPartNumber = false

  // Setup a queue instance

  // Bind internal listners

 * Setup an instance of S3Queue and binds the stream's upload()
 * method to the queue's 'drain' event.
S3Stream.prototype.setupQueue = function () {
  this.queue = new S3Queue()
  this.queue.on('drain', this.upload.bind(this))

 * Set the minimum size (in bytes) to upload in a non-final part.
 * @param {Number} bytes Minimum upload size.
S3Stream.prototype.setThreshold = function (bytes) {
  this.queue._threshold = bytes
  return this

 * Bind internal events.
 * Helps methods act more independently and keeps most communication
 * in events instead of nested calls.
S3Stream.prototype.setupEvents = function () {
  var _this = this

  // By default, abort the upload on any error. Unbind this event with:
  // `s3stream.removeListener('error', s3stream.abort)`
  this.on('error', this.abort.bind(this))

  // When uploads complete, track the uploaded part and
  // emit drain/flush events
  this.on('uploaded', function () {
    // 'drain' is emitted when the stream is writable
    if (_this.ready()) _this.emit('drain')

    // 'flush' is emitted when the stream has no active uploads
    if (_this.activeUploads === 0) _this.emit('flush')

  // Complete the upload when the stream's 'finish' event fires
  this.once('finish', this.complete.bind(this));

 * Abstract stream.Writable method. Writes chunk to the stream.
 * @private
 * @param {Buffer} chunk The data to write to the stream.
 * @param {String} encoding Ignored because chunk is always a Buffer.
 * @param {Function} callback Called when the chunk is successfully handled.
S3Stream.prototype._write = function (chunk, encoding, callback) {
  var _this = this

  // On the queue's `push` event, fire the callback if the queue is ready
  // for more data. If the queue is not ready, fire the callback on the
  // queue's next `drain` event. If the stream has been ended, call its
  // complete() method and run the callback on its `complete` event.
  this.queue.once('push', function () {
    if (_this.ready()) {
    } else {
      _this.once('drain', callback)

  // If the queue is initialized, push this chunk
  if (this.initialized()) {

  // If the queue is not initialized yet, push this chunk when it fires
  // its `writable` event
  } else {
    this.once('writable', function () {

 * Check whether the stream is ready to accept data.
 * @return {Boolean} True if the stream is ready.
S3Stream.prototype.ready = function () {
  return !! (this.initialized() && this.activeUploads === 0)

 * Check whether the stream has been initialized with an S3 upload ID.
 * @return {Boolean} True if the stream has an upload ID.
S3Stream.prototype.initialized = function () {
  return !! this.params.UploadId

 * Abort the stream's multi-part upload.
 * By default, this method will be called when any error is emitted from
 * the queue so that the zombie parts are not left hanging around S3.
S3Stream.prototype.abort = function () {
  this.params.UploadId = null

 * Helper to generate an object of params used by multiple S3 upload methods.
 * @param {Object} extraParams Additional params to merge with the default params.
 * @return {Object} Merged params.
S3Stream.prototype.getUploadParams = function (extraParams) {
  var params = {
    Bucket: this.params.Bucket,
    Key: this.params.Key,
    UploadId: this.params.UploadId

  Object.keys(extraParams || {}).forEach(function (key) {
    params[key] = extraParams[key]

  if (this.stringifyPartNumber && params.PartNumber) {
    params.PartNumber = params.PartNumber.toString()

  return params

 * Upload a chunk of data to S3. Emits an 'uploaded' event on completion.
 * @param {Buffer} body Chunk of data to upload.
S3Stream.prototype.upload = function (body) {
  var _this = this
  var partNumber = this.uploadPartNumber

  var params = this.getUploadParams({
    Body: body,
    PartNumber: partNumber

  this.s3.uploadPart(params, function (err, response) {

    // Handle cases where we get an invalid type but might still be able to duck punch our
    // way into a valid type. This allows Canoe to work with any version of the AWS SDK, even
    // though we have no way to actually know what version we're using.
    // If we get an InvalidParameterType error, we'll set a flag to cast PartNumber params
    // as strings and try again. We'll also decrement the upload part number because S3 never
    // got that part.
    // See:
    var retryAsString = err && === 'InvalidParameterType' && ! _this.stringifyPartNumber
    if (retryAsString) {
      _this.stringifyPartNumber = true
      return _this.upload(body)
    } else if (err) {
      _this.emit('error', err)
    } else {
      // Maintain `ETag` and `PartNumber` data about each uploaded part
      // so that the data can be combined when the upload is complete.
        ETag: response.ETag,
        PartNumber: partNumber

    _this.emit('uploaded', err, response, body)

 * Finishes a multi-part upload. Any remaning data is flushed from the
 * underlying queue. Once all parts have been uploaded to S3 and the
 * 'flush' event is fired, completion starts. The stream emits a 'complete'
 * event when the completed upload finishes with `err` and `response`
 * arguments.
S3Stream.prototype.complete = function () {
  var _this = this

  // Ensure this is called at most once, and only runs after the
  // writable event has occured so the queue has a chance to accept data.
  if (!this.initialized()) return this.once('writable', this.complete)

  this.once('flush', function () {
    // Parts have to be sorted in ascending order
    _this.uploadedParts.sort(function (a, b) {
      return a.PartNumber < b.PartNumber ? -1 : 1

    var params = _this.getUploadParams({
      MultipartUpload: {Parts: _this.uploadedParts}

    _this.s3.completeMultipartUpload(params, function (err, response) {
      if (err) _this.emit('error', err)
      _this.emit('close', err, response)